Monday, October 17, 2011

Annual Battle of The Borodino - 2011

This year reenactment of The Borodino Battle were even more interesting comparing with last year event. There were one small spice.

Usually the main reenactment action was on Sunday. At first everybody goes to the place near Napoleonic war's monuments (tomb of the Great Army, monuments to the Russian Army and Artillery) and takes part in the official meeting with speeches of Russian and French official delegates. After the floral tribute all reenactors goes by bus to the main camp where everybody wait the start of the event. During that hour everybody are walking through the camp, chatting with each other, dining in field cоffee bar and so on.

On Saturday there was just try-out of the general battle. During the free time reenactors are doing what they want. But this time...

This year there were one more interesting action between try-out and general battle. After the repetition all best clubs were involved with field manoeuvre!

It was organized by сhiefs of the clubs and organizers executive. We did some work to arrange places for the action and so on. But it's worth that!

To hide inside a hollow square because of calvary attack is a very interesting experience! :)

All rules consist in struggle between dispositions. Regiment is considered defeated if they were suddenly attacked and didn't have time to react correctly.

But photos worth a thousands of words. There are some photos from the manoeuvre...

 ... and from the try-out. I had a great chance to take photos from the middle of action.

The general battle was great without doubts! Each year the quality of reenactment grows. Infantry, calvary, artillery. Everything was great. There is few my photos...

 ... and photos from internet (i didn't do any photos becouse of big distance from me to action).
 Photos by Fotoromantik:
That's how it was :)

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