Friday, August 24, 2012

Victory Day Reenactment in honor of 9th May, Kiev, Ukraine

This celebratory May reconstruction was absolutely another comparing with last event, where I took part. I want to tell you about our camp life during the Victory Day reenactment this May.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

200th Anniversary of Battle of Arapiles (Battle of Salamanca), Spain

Los Arapiles is a small town near quite big Spanish city Salamanca. It has only 600 habitants according to Wikipedia. But there was very interesting battle 200 years ago. So we came there to take part in it.

It's been a long time since I've showed up here. Sorry, my friends :) Recently I've returned from reenactment of Battle of Los Arapiles (Salamanca) in Spain. It was tremendous! One of the most remarkable events of this year for me. And next week I leave for 200th Anniversary of Borodino. And then - Battle of Alma in Crimea. Very intense schedule. :) But I'll try to do my best to bring interesting photos here.

Take care! See you :)